Original Northern Lights ~ NL ~ 1

It has been years since we grew Northern Lights at the farm, so we were thrilled to acquire seeds from a preservationist who work with some old stock that had been stored since 1983.  

The "Purest Indica" is the original variety of the Northern Lights line. It was first acquired in 1979 by Seattle Greg through the author Murphy Stevens as "Purest Indica" and became the backbone of all of the Northern Lights hybrids. Over 40 years ago, Murphy Stevens worked with these genetics and developed the Northern Lights line of #1 through #11. The #1 being closest to this original "Purest Indica" and the #11 being the most tropical and furthest from this "Purest Indica". NL ~ 1 is a classic experience with true Afghan Landrace genetics that will provide a very chill experience.

24% THC
PURPLE Category ~ Rest

Tastes & Aromas
Earthy, Piney, Subtle Sweetness, Spicy

Common Effects
Body Relaxation, Sedation, Peace


Apricot Hill


Blue Dream ~ Santa Cruz Heirloom